At this time, name the file as PS4UPDATE.PUP. Then save it to the UPDATE folder in the USB drive. Click here to visit the PS4 System Software Update page and download the latest update file. HOW TO UPDATE PS4 GAMES 100% FASTER!! DOWNLOAD ANY PS4 GAME / UPDATE QUICKER HOW TO GET 100% FASTER INTERNET ON PS4. After the loading screen finnished I was greeted by a second message saying the my Ps4 was unable to update and that I have to plug in a USB-Stick/Drive with the Update file. I havent played with my Ps4 in a while and was excited to turn her on again only to be greeted by a update screen, but that was not so bad, I can wait have I thought to myself. Update PS4 and PS5 system software using Safe Mode U

Create a new folder called PS4 and put the UPDATE folder in the PS4 folder. Put the PS4UPDATE.PUP into the UPDATE folder. Download the System Update from the link above Extract the PS4UPDATE.PUP with WinRAR or another program capable of extracting zip files On a FAT32 formatted USB memory stick create a folder called PS4, then inside this folder create a folder called UPDATE Copy the extracted PS4UPDATE.PUP to the USB memory stick in the PS4 > UPDATE folde.: US Official Download Link 8.50 EU Official Download Link 8.5.If your PS4â„¢system does not recognize the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct Start the PS4â„¢system in Safe Mode: press and hold the power button, releasing after the second beep.Update using the Interne PS4-systeemsoftware NL - PlayStatio Copy the saved file to the system storage of your PS4 system to update the system. This is because your computer will rename the PUP file due to the multiple downloads of the same file Download the update file to your computer, and then save it on a USB storage device. Besides, make sure that you already have deleted any previous versions of the PS4 software update on your computer. The PS4 system software update file name must be PS4UPDATE.PUP.

Connect the USB storage device that the update file is saved on to your PS4 system, and then from the function screen, select Settings. Save the file with the file name PS4UPDATE.PUP.

Plug the USB drive containing the installation file into the PS4 console Download the installation file and save it in the UPDATE folder. Save the file as PS4UPDATE.PU Visit the PS4 system software update page and select the Reinstall system software section. Download the update file and save it in the UPDATE folder. Als dat niet lukt, download je het onderstaande updatebestand naar een USB-station en volg je de onderstaande instructies om het bestand op je PS4-console te installeren Visit the PS4 system software update page, and select the Update system software section. Als de systeemsoftware-update op je PS4-console vastloopt, start je de update opnieuw. Download een updatebestand voor een PS4-console.